Press Council Management 2024 - 2026

The Executive Board of the Press Council is composed of an equal number of editors and journalists and includes the President, the General Secretary, the Treasurer, two Vice-Presidents and three assessors. The first three terms of office alternate every two years between the group of editors and the group of journalists.

The position of President is currently held by Lynn Warken (Lëtzebuerger Journal). During the Constitutive General Assembly at the end of March 2026, this function will be rotated between the group of journalists. It will be assisted by General Secretary Roger Infalt (ALJP), Vice Presidents Paul Peckels (Mediahuis Luxembourg) and Misch Pautsch (ALJP), Treasurer Emmanuel Fleig (Edita S.A.), as well as the members Luc Caregari (ALJP), Ines Kurschat (ALJP) and Steve Schmit (RTL).

The members of the Executive Board deal with the day-to-day business of the Press Council. They also make proposals to the General Assembly, which discusses and adopts them.

The Select Committee (President and General Secretary) meets weekly, the meetings of the entire Executive Board take place monthly. The administrative secretariat assists them in their work.


Lëtzebuerger Journal

Vice President

ALJP - Association luxembourgeoise des journalistes professionnels
Mediahuis Luxembourg

General secretary

ALJP - Association luxembourgeoise des journalistes professionnels


Edita s.a.


ALJP - Association luxembourgeoise des journalistes professionnels

Administrative secretary