Media Education

The Press Council is active in media education and has a special “Media Literacy – Newspaper in Education” Commission.

Press in schools

In the 1980s, the Press Council founded the “Press in Schools” action in collaboration with the international programme “Newspaper in Education” (NIE) with the aim of raising awareness of the press and the profession of journalist in schools.

In 2010, this action was renamed “Press Week” and was aimed to primary and secondary schools. The Press Week offered practical workshops (making a press review, reading and writing articles, reporting, etc.) to students around journalistic topics that varied every year: “Searching for information: mistakes and good practices” (2017), “Freedom of expression, it’s a learning process” (2016), “Information networks” (2015), “Information media” (2014), “The press on paper, on the Internet and on mobile phones” (2013), “Images in the press” (2012), “The value of information” (2011), “Who makes the news?” (2010).

The Press Week was organized annually by the Press Council and the Educational and Technological Research and Innovation Coordination Service (SCRIPT), in collaboration with journalists, school teachers and the Ministry of National Education, Children and Youth (MENEJ).

Young Journalist Competition (CJJ)

Since 2015, the Press Council has been organising the “Young Journalist” Competition to raise awareness of the journalistic profession among students. The competition is aimed at students in formal education, including basic, secondary and technical secondary education, as well as differentiated education.

The competition topics change every year: “Our consumption pattern under scrutiny” (2024), “Solidarity at the heart of the debate” (2023), “Making your voice heard, participating, co-deciding” (2022), “Living in Luxembourg, wish or reality?” (2021), “Climate Youth” (2020), “Freedom of expression is a fundamental right” (2019), “Typical Luxembourg? A country, its people, its quirks” (2018), “Searching for information: Mistakes and good practices” (2017), “Freedom of expression, you can learn it” (2016), “Information networks” (2015).

The Young Journalist Competition includes a prize-giving by a jury and a travelling exhibition of the pupils’ journalistic projects in the participating schools and colleges.

The competition is a cooperation between the Press Council, the Zentrum für politesch Bildung (ZpB) and the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth (MENEJ). Read more about the competition: